ATV Trailer: Purchasing Tips for Shreveport ATV Owners

Feb. 8 2022 Blogs By Louisiana Power Sports

For many who own one or more ATV or UTV products, the use of these vehicles in various areas and on varying forms of terrain is a big part of the draw. This often requires transportation of the vehicles to and from various areas, and one common method used for this transportation is a towing trailer.

At Louisiana Power Sports, we're happy to not only offer a wide range of ATVs and UTVs for sale to Shreveport clients, plus financing services and more, but also to provide our clients with expertise on basic use and care of their vehicles. If you're looking for a trailer to cover all your ATV and UTV transportation needs, what are some of the top features to consider and areas to keep in mind during transportation? This two-part blog series will start by going over some tips for selecting the proper trailer for your vehicles, then in part two will dig into some specific tips for loading, driving and unloading the trailer on a regular basis.

Ensure Proper Licensing, Registration and Insurance

If you'll be purchasing a trailer for any kind of road use while transporting your ATV or UTV, you'll need to ensure it is properly licensed, registered and insured. You can find all the specifics of these requirements by consulting your state's Department of Motor Vehicles, as well as any additional local laws that may apply in your area.

Proper Weight Support

Next up, take the time to consider what you'll be transporting on the trailer. Your ATV or UTV will need to be properly tied down to ensure it doesn't shift around while driving, but also make sure your vehicle is within the total weight limits of the tow vehicle and trailer alike. This means ensuring that your ATV or UTV model can handle being towed with the towing capacity of your chosen tow vehicle.

Compatible Hitch

You also need to ensure that the hitch you'll be using for towing is compatible with the make and model of your vehicles. Make sure your tow vehicle has a proper weight-distributing hitch, rather than simply a ball-mounted receiver that does not ensure even distribution between the tow vehicle and trailer.

Ramp or No Ramp?

Also inquire as to whether the trailer you've chosen comes with or without a ramp to load your ATV or UTV. Some trailers offer doors on the front and back, while some only have rear-loading configurations. Be aware that loading at the end of a trailer without an attached ramp requires using blocks and boards to create makeshift ramps. Additionally, if you're not familiar with how to load your particular ATV or UTV onto the trailer, consider having a professional show you how to do it when you're purchasing the trailer.

For more on how to purchase the ideal trailer for your ATV and UTV transportation needs, or to learn about any of our ATVs or UTVs for sale in Shreveport, speak to the team at Louisiana Power Sports today.